Jesus welcomed the little children. We do too. And we accompany kids and parents from Holy Baptism forward.
Here are a few ways we help grow and foster our Children/Youth Ministry here at FLC:
Holy Baptism can happen at any age. Parent(s) or guardian(s) often choose to have their children baptized as infants or toddlers. In preparation for Holy Baptism for a child the pastor accompanies the caregiver(s) and child, provides instruction, and presides at the baptism. Holy Baptism is best held within the Sunday morning worship service as it is a celebration for the faith community as well as the newly baptized and family.
Milestone Ministry provides annual opportunities for First Lutheran Church to support, educate, and affirm our children and youth. Milestones include learning activities with a caring parent/adult, a gift, and recognition and blessing in the Sunday morning worship service. Examples of milestones include a 1 yr old baptismal anniversary, the gift of a story Bible at age 4, Holy Communion instruction and Welcome to Holy Communion in 2rd grade, worship leadership instruction in 4th grade, Affirmation of Baptism in 8th grade (following confirmation instruction), and high school graduation.

Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) is an important ministry of the church which seeks, in partnership with the home, to instruct our children in the Christian faith. It typically occurs in 7th and 8th grade. Instruction includes the following: Bible (Old and New Testament), 10 Commandments, Lord's Prayer, Apostles' Creed, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. Opportunities for hands-on service and participation in congregational life also abound.
Faith Support at Home. FLC subscribes to a monthly, mail-based ministry that is delivered to the homes of children and their parent(s) or guardian(s). Centered around the liturgical calendar, households with pre-K to elementary aged children receive a parcel that contains a picture book, art print poster, prompts for family conversation, suggestions for spiritual play, a letter to provide background and encouragement to caregivers, and recommendations for further reading.
All-Age Faith Formation occurs at various times throughout the year. Young, young adults, middle-aged, and elderly join together to learn and grow in faith. We serve at local social service agencies. See where we have served. We also join together for fun and educational events like building Advent wreaths in early December and a dramatic retelling the Pentecost story in the spring.
Children's Messages happen every Sunday in worship. Children are invited to join the pastor or one of our lay leaders for a fun, faith-filled, and educational message tailored especially for children.